Our Mission is to serve God and His people of St. Anastasia Catholic Parish by assisting the Priests at Holy Mass and at other liturgical celebrations to bring the ultimate spiritual experience to each parishioner attending.
Prepare the Altar
Light candles
Prepare incense and bearers when needed
Cross and candle bearers
Desire to serve God
Received the Sacraments of Baptism, Reconciliation and Holy Communion
Attend training
Arrive at Mass 15 minutes early
Believe in the teachings of The Holy Catholic Church
Willingness to learn all the prayers of the Holy Sacrifice of The Mass from memory
Must know the Real Presence of Jesus The Christ begins at the moment of Consecration
Serve a weekend Mass twice a month
Serve six daily Masses in the summer
Be prepared to fill in at any Mass you are attending
Be available for extra Masses or Liturgical celebrations such as weddings, funerals, benediction, vespers, stations, etc.
For more information on how you can share your gift of time, talent or treasure with the
St. Anastasia Catholic Church through the Altar Server Ministry, please email the Altar Server Coordinator Stacey Blum.