To the Family of St. Anastasia Catholic Church:
I am writing to share a great opportunity which will positively impact the Parish of St. Anastasia Church and School and empower my Priesthood and the gift of being your Spiritual Father, and the Spiritual Shepherd of our community. After two years of discernment, prayer and planning, Bishop Barbarito has granted me the opportunity for a six-month sabbatical; for deeper renewal and enrichment in the areas of theological study, spiritual and personal renewal. I will remain the Pastor of St. Anastasia Catholic Church during this time and afterwards will return as your faithful shepherd.
Where is the sabbatical?
I will be on Grand Isle in Louisiana. Where there is a year-round population of less than 800 people. It has all the components of Nazareth: silence, pace, and hospitality. The Island is a perfect setting for one seeking intimacy with the Lord. This will allow me the space I need to reflect on my last 27 years of ordination. While discerning with the Lord how He is calling me to live out my next 27 years of priesthood. I do not want to become stagnant, complacent, or just maintaining. I desire to lead with the heart and vision of Our Lord and not mine. God is inviting me into the desert to be with Him. Jesus would often withdraw to a deserted place to pray and be with His Father (Luke 5:16).
A quick glance at my priestly journey thus far:
May 12, 2022, marked my 27th anniversary of ordination to the priesthood of Jesus Christ! I am blessed beyond words. Every day, I wake up and thank God for His gift of ordination, for being His priest, for being called and loved by God first. I was created by God for this vocation. I desire to do nothing else but serve the Lord Our God, and to fall deeper in love with Him every day of my life.
As I think back over the 27 years of my priesthood, I have served in three parishes as a Parochial Vicar and was appointed Administrator at St. Therese De Lisieux Catholic Church in Wellington. I was assigned to Cardinal Newman High School for seven years (as Chaplain, Campus Minister, Teacher, and Retreat Director). I had the privilege of serving as Assistant Vocation Director for our diocese, Adjunct Spiritual Director at St. Vincent de Paul Regional Seminary, Spiritual Moderator for the Charismatic Renewal Movement and appointed Spiritual Director and Chaplain for Serra Club and Magnificat of Palm Beach. For over 20 years I have been (and continue) serving priests and seminarians through the Institute for Priestly Formation as an adjunct faculty member Spiritual Director (leading priest/seminarians through Saint Ignatius’ Spiritual Exercises 30-day retreat and 8-day retreats). My current assignment as Pastor of St. Anastasia Church and School over the last seventeen years has been a blessing to my priesthood and I am looking forward to more opportunities in the future, with this amazing parish community and her families.
The importance of my sabbatical:
To keep priests refreshed and vibrant, our Diocesan Policy Manual for priests’ states “Every priest has a right and an obligation to continue his spiritual growth and education… but above all, to his people to continue to grow in grace and knowledge.” During the Fall of 2019, I began a conversation with Bishop Barbarito regarding my desire for just that: personal and spiritual renewal, and further study. However, circumstances did not allow for a sabbatical at that time. We continued the conversation in 2020, but again, circumstances did not allow for a sabbatical at that time.
In the Fall of 2021, Bishop Barbarito approved my request for six months sabbatical and further study beginning September 25, 2022, through April 2, 2023. I plan to study all that is sacred about the priesthood, work on personal priestly renewal and growth in contemplative leadership.
What to expect while I am on sabbatical:
While I am on sabbatical and further study for those six months, I will remain Pastor of St. Anastasia Church and School. The sabbatical does not change my commitment to being your pastor. Therefore, so that there is no question or room for speculation, let me share my preliminary plans about how things will look. Fr. Edwin Jacob (our new Parochial Vicar for St. Anastasia) will begin his assignment at St. Anastasia beginning July 1, 2022. Fr. Jacob and I will serve the parish throughout the summer to the end of September. At that time, Fr. Edwin will be an extension of my pastoral and administrative authority (as I have directed him) until I return from my sabbatical. I humbly ask that you welcome Fr. Edwin as you have welcomed me into your homes, your heart, and within the life of your family. St. Anastasia Parish is well known for being a warm and welcoming community with great hospitality and generosity. Our dedicated office team will be led by Mrs. Melanie Wiles, Director of Parish Development, and will continue to be available to support our parishioners with their needs.
Priestly support for Masses and school confession/events while on sabbatical will be Fr. Edwin Jacob, Fr. Jim Bowman (retired priest assisting at St. Anastasia Parish), Fr. Bob Pope (Pastor of St. Mark the Evangelist), Fr. Anthony Lopez (Parochial Vicar at St. Mark the Evangelist), Fr. Jamie Dorado (Administrator at San Juan Diego) and a few other Priests, will support us when needed. I thank our priests ahead of time for their support and love for our St. Anastasia family.
October 20, 2022, through November 22, 2022, I will begin my six-month sabbatical with a St. Ignatius’ Spiritual Exercises 30-day retreat. Returning home late December for Christmas break, to be with my family. January 2023 through April 2023 I will be diving deeper into personal renewal and contemplative leadership around the priest as a: Beloved Son, Chaste Spouse, Spiritual Father, Divine Physician and Shepherd. To wrap up my sabbatical, I have planned an 8-day silent retreat. This will provide a sacred space for deeper gratitude and appreciation for this special, holy, and intimate time I have been given with the Lord. I’ll be returning with great anticipation to share my encounter with the Lord, to St. Anastasia Parish on Sunday, April 2, 2023, just in time for Palm Sunday.
Of course, it will be business as usual when I am away. Before leaving, Fr. Edwin and I will plan to ensure that you will have full priestly presence while I am away. In my absence, we will still have daily and Sunday Masses at regular scheduled times, confessions will be available, our parish ministries and the school will also continue to receive priestly presence and service.
How our Parish can support me during this time:
I share this news with you today so that we might celebrate together (spiritually) the first 27 years of my priesthood, and that we pray for one another while away during this short time. I furthermore write to you because, unfortunately, we live in a time where the sin of hearsay and the evil of those who gossip wounds the people of whom they speak. I would want to educate our parish through transparency by clearly stating a few things:
First, a sabbatical is a gift. It is a healthy way for priests to stay healthy. A sabbatical is a proactive initiative, so that healthy priests continue to stay healthy. While we occasionally may hear of a priest leaving his assignment for a leave of absence or time away, a sabbatical is not a leave of assignment or a leave of absence, or even time away. I love being a priest. I couldn’t imagine doing anything different. My sabbatical is a gift, and it is one that Bishop Barbarito and I have discerned together over a few years.
Second, the sabbatical is an intentional effort to nurture my vocation, not to escape from it. I can’t wait to see what the next 27 years of the priesthood may bring!
Third, I enjoy being at St. Anastasia Church and School. It is a blessing and I hope it is still a blessing for you. Lest there be any question, my sabbatical is not, a leaving from St. Anastasia Church and School. I have great anticipation of fulfilling many more years of service to our families, to our local and seasonal parishioners, to our schools, students, guests, benefactors, the poor and to the wonderful community of Ft. Pierce and beyond.
I thank you in advance for your prayers and support while I am on sabbatical. I humbly ask that you consider the following to spiritually support me during my studies: As a family, when you pray the rosary together or offer a Divine Mercy Chaplet, or any other devotion that your family enjoys (among all your important intentions, please remember me on my sabbatical). Other ideas, attend the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass each week as a family (that we might spiritually meet at the altar of God until I return in person, and there, let us pray for one another). You may consider as you pray a novena or enter into a fast, or find yourself and your family before the Blessed Sacrament in our Adoration Chapel, just simply remember me as you are praying. As a Spiritual Shepherd of St. Anastasia Parish, San Juan Diego Center, and our schools (my administration, faculty, and staff) will be in my daily prayers. I will bring to the Altar of God daily all your intentions as well.
Thank you again for your support and prayers:
I pray during this upcoming period between Ascension of The Lord and Pentecost; that the Holy Spirit will provide us with the grace we need each day to become true disciples of Jesus Christ. Moving us from a consent of our intellect (just believing God is real) to a consent of our will, to follow the Lord’s Will. Moving us to a daily desire to study what the Master says, listen to what the Master teaches and do what the Master does. In short, to imitate Jesus Christ, not just believe in Him. As we get closer to September, I will keep you updated and informed on future developments.
God Bless you,
Fr. George