We welcome you as a registered parishioner of St. Anastasia Catholic Church!
Upon your completion of the registration form for St. Anastasia, our office will properly record your responses and sacramental records. This helps my administration to identify your family as officially registered.
As a registered parishioner of St. Anastasia Catholic Church, the church can better assist you and your family in matters regarding: sacramental record keeping, wedding preparation, completion of sacraments, annulments, funeral arrangements, sick calls, homebound or hospital outreach opportunities, taxable donation relief, and much more. As a registered family, the church will have a history of your family’s stewardship regarding time, talent, and treasure.
For those parents seeking school tuition subsidy support: If your family is registered at a church other than St. Anastasia, and you would like to officially register with us, you will need a letter of good standing signed by the Pastor of the church you are leaving. That signed letter can be emailed to bookkeeper@stanastasiachurch.org or dropped off in the Parish Office. In order to begin to qualify for subsidy support from St. Anastasia Church, you and your family must have at least one full year of ministry involvement and uninterrupted tithing for 12 consecutive months with our church.
As you review your options for tithing, the church highly encourages you to sign up for online giving through Faith Direct. If you are a new parishioner with a possible interest to qualify for parish subsidy support, Faith Direct is a requirement. All tithing should reflect your prayerful discernment of giving back to God. Tithing also reflects the commitment your family has to the church. Please Click Here to sign up for Faith Direct.
Thank you for taking the time to read through the above information. As Pastor, Shepherd, and Father of St. Anastasia Catholic Church and School, I welcome you to our parish family.
Yours in Christ,
Fr. Richard E. George II, Pastor