The 177 Project is bringing an evening of Eucharistic Adoration and music to every diocese in the country this fall. We want to get more people spending time with Jesus and with everything that's going on in our Church right now. It's so important to remember that the Church isn't build on a priest or a Bishop or even a Pope. It’s built on the Eucharist. To help remind people of Eucharistic Adoration, we're creating a Perpetual Adoration chain to extend from the date the first 177 Project team member hits the road until the date the last member returns home. That’s a total of 2,424 hours in all. Will you join us in praying for our Church? Will you join us in praying for our country? Join us on Thursday, October 11th in the Church from 6:30-8:30pm for Prayer, Adoration, Confession & a Free Concert.