The Respect Life Ministry is a multi-faceted ministry administered and directed from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops' Committee on Pro-Life Activities. We proclaim the Truth of the dignity and value of each human life from conception through natural death. We speak out on any issue that affects the dignity of life including: abortion, physician-assisted suicide, euthanasia, bio-ethics, death penalty, end of life care, sex and human trafficking, and cloning.
The heart of our ministry is focused on prayer. We invoke the guidance of St. Joseph and St. Anastasia to guide us as we assist in sharing our ministry to those in need. Our ministry offers support through helping expectant mothers and offering post- abortion healing for both men and women. We also bring awareness to the injustices of human dignity for our Church community and beyond our Church borders.
Twice a year, we join the National 40 Days for life campaign. This allows our church community to pray and show support in ending abortion out side of our local abortion clinic.
During October, Respect Life Month, we host a prayer service with adoration. It is a wonderful time to come and pray together as a faith community to support life at all stages, cradle to grave, with respect and dignity life deserves.
Friday evenings at 5:00 p.m. a group of prayer warriors meet on the corner of 12th and Delaware, Fort Pierce to pray the rosary. This is an open invitation for anyone who wishes to attend.
Throughout the year, we collect monetary donations for Catholic Charities. The Birth-line / Lifeline facility in Fort Pierce not only helps new moms with needs of the newborn, but will help provide assistance to all who need through the other Catholic Charities organizations. We also collect baby items for the Women's Care Center in Fort Pierce.
We work together with St. Anastasia Catholic School students in their service learning activities in middle and preschool via the Middle Shool Entrepreneurship Fair and the Pres-school baby collection drive.
Hosting Lunches4Life is a new activity we are adding. This program will bring valuable information to our Church Community over a lunch with wonderful guest speakers. The speakers are well versed to share helpful information to attendees and keeping the most up-to-date information at the forfront of this battle of defending life.